Pure democracy. The representatives of the neighborhood councils to which everyone belongs should be chosen by sortition (like juries). County councils composed of representatives of every neighborhood should choose a representative to the state council by sortition. The function of the popular vote is recall of representatives that do not carry out the council’s mandate.
The means of production are owned by workers cooperatives who are capable of selecting their own managers according to who exhibits the most talent. Managers do not receive higher pay.
In fact, a new monetary system is needed, the sole purpose of which is to ration excess resources equally without weakening sustainability. Each person is entitled to an equal share wheteher he works or not. However, he must replace only himself by procreation, assign that right to another, or not reproduce in order to share the community sustainable dividend.
That’s enough for now. In the meantime, familiarize yourself with the term chrematistics. (See the Wikipedia.)
This system prevents the rise of demagogues. A workman should own his own tools. All power resides in all people. Now work out the details. Quit whining about socialism, communism, syndicalism have this or that problem. Think about how to fix the problem. If something doesn’t work, figure out why and fix it. We have no choice. Systems that retain private profit are doomed and must be replaced. Think about what you want and how to devise a system that achieves it. That goes for conservatives too. Please realize you are not going to get rich or make a killing in the stock market. That’s over. Stock markets cannot be allowed to live on. They are nothing but gambling dens in which the house takes all. Pundits and radio talk show hosts that preach endless growth and hatred are not your friends.
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