Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Posts to CASSE

Thomas Wayburn, PhD
Thomas Wayburn, PhD says:

Markets require growth. Self-employment requires  thinking about money differently; but, there is no such impediment as Herman claims. He’s right about markets as the Monopoly Game.
Take a gander at this.
Markets are not efficient.

Pareto optimum is la la land and a fundamental error in neo-liberal economics. Equality is the only thing that cuts it logically, scientifically, and garden-variety morally. A new constitution is absolutely necessary. Brian you are drifting into a bunch of silly book learning.  You still gotta bell the cat!!!!!!!

I’ll show you how to make equality work. Herman is wrong about equality.   Nevertheless, equality is devilish too. (The devil is in the details.)

Equality implies thinking about what's important - honorable - interesting - and fun to do.  Even a little inequality turns the head back to the "dark side" and reminds us of the camel who asked to put his nose under the tent.  Intrinsic motivation is the road to freedom.   Think of doing what the community needs and do as you please with the least environmental cost. You will get your equal share regardless.  

Herman spoke of the environment as though it were PART of the economy.  The economy is IN the environment.  Environment  BIG.   Economy SMALL.  

Herman was right when he said I made him look like a moderate. 

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