Inasmuch as we are at the limit to growth or near it, we are now forced to adjust our lives merely to survive. Here is a rough list of the minimum that we must do.
Solve population problem. Population de-growth is most important.
Economic de-growth is necessary too as follows:
Put an end to predatory imperialism and render assistance to those nations that need economic growth and to which a modicum of our shrinkage should go to compensate them for our misdeeds until a new equilibrium is established, after which the entire world should strive for nearly equal sustainable economic performance globally.
Close stock markets, which will have become zero-sum games at best.
Ban fractional reserve banking.
Government must cease telling lies, which means no more propaganda especially in schools. Instead explain to students why major changes are absolutely necessary.
Solve inequality crisis. Replace fiat currency with resource credits distributing equal shares of the sustainable community net harvest or production with proviso about replacing oneself only, transferring that privilege, or not reproducing. Devise reasonable way to discourage cheating.
Establish true democracy such that all the power is held by all of the people. Prevent the rise of demagogues and natural leaders. Sortition and fractal government are suggested.
Since reaching the limit to growth means that economy behaves like game of Monopoly, one person might own everything. G. B. Shaw explains why anything approaching this is undesirable. So eliminate private profit by mutual coercion mutually agreed upon. Make it easy for addicts of acquisition to quit by removing mechanisms by which they could indulge themselves.
Solve energy problem. Establish steady state stockpiles of vital resources and regulate draw down of residuals from which the stockpiles are maintained as described in article on sustainability.
Solve resource scarcity problem. End consumerism. In particular, end automobile culture, advertising and marketing.
Prevent pollution. Prevent waste, including waste of talent and beauty. Prevent wage slavery.
Establish true renewable energy technology.
Devise methods to achieve the aforementioned.
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