Wednesday, May 5, 2021

More from ResearchGate

This is a very old idea that came from someone on Energy Resources or Running on Empty 2: Suppose the leaders of the world continue to advocate economic growth and do very little to reduce population, then conservation and other green gestures are not only futile but positively harmful inasmuch as the additional lifespan of the world will be used to increase the population and worsen the catastrophic Die-Off when it comes.
I see the definition of sustainability and the establishment of enough renewable energy technology and the reduction of recycle losses and pollution below agreed upon limits as easily understood. Implementation is unlikely before a catastrophic collapse and die-off. Afterward the survivors must be prepared to act quickly and suddenly if they want a sustainable social system like the natural economy toward which dematerialism is directed. Perhaps, by that time, something like dematerialism will be widely accepted and whatever battles must be fought will have ended. We need an open conspiracy now.
Of course it matters what people like us think sustainability should look like and how it will be achieved; but, according to what I just said, what we think won't matter very much. I hope our offspring are all on the right side.

The open conspiracy and the seizing of power after the collapse need elucidation.

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