Sunday, May 23, 2021

Human Nature changes much faster than natural selection

 I never regret listening to Richard Dawkins and tonight is no exception. I can't imagine why this has not occurred to me earlier but many deep thinkers believe that the slow change due to natural selection does not apply to our moral progress which takes place relatively quickly. For example, only a couple of hundred years ago most people accepted slavery as normal. And just a little earlier practically no one would criticize the conquistadors. Truly it is as Oscar Wilde stated it: Human nature is changing constantly. Earlier I stated that morality was related to convenience. Apparently, what is convenient is changing too. This is very important and will be repeated on my homepage. It is the final argument for dematerialism, as it refutes the objection that dematerialism is contrary to human nature.  It  remains only to explain the effect of morality upon human nature. Put another way, morality dominates human nature.

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