Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Community ERoEI


Since I was unable to find a table of the distribution of energy costs among material, labor, and expenses for various manufactured objects, I decided to select objects to pretend to manufacture according to distributions of my own choosing. My first object that I shall manufacture shall be known as (0.3, 0.3, 0.4).
Moreover, as I am indicating a methodology that is to be used on as yet unknown systems, I shall assign a separate labor cost for each labor syndicate arbitrarily in emergy units. For example, the collection of all medical doctors in the community is one syndicate and the set of all farm laborers is another. In each enterprise in which an object is manufactured for export or in which a natural byproduct is prepared for export after some portion is consumed within the community if it makes sense to do so, the fractional representation of each syndicate is associated with the fractional representation of each economic sector
in a distribution as close to optimal as a consensus permits. In a real life situation these distributions will be known from long experience and the portions to be exported will depend upon the net emergy in case ERoEI* is greater than 1.0, as it will be in the hypothetical example, inasmuch as ERoEI* < 1.0 leaves us nothing more to do except all those things I mentioned earlier to raise ERoEI* - mostly to do with altering the political economy.

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