Saturday, August 1, 2020

Energy Is Everything

I hope we all know that everything depends on people doing the right thing, which depends upon people knowing what the right thing is, which depends upon people who know what to do doing the right thing to influence others until right thinking is widespread, which depends upon many things including luck. Ultimately, we need widespread (practically universal) agreement and cooperation. And it better be right. So, let's suppose that the human element is in place, that is, the people are ready.
Then, everything else depends upon obtaining a safe high-grade energy supply that is as dependable as the sun.
None of these things are likely to occur under the present governments and economic systems. It's not just the US government and political economy that needs to be replaced. But, I do not want this last remark to detract from my principal message, which is that energy is not just another thing. It is everything!!!
(It is necessary to employ hyperbole because most of us will continue to undervalue energy.) Energy is to our species what blood is to individuals.

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