Thursday, February 16, 2023

People Who Save Lives and Enlarge Ecologocal Footprint

So far as I can tell, I am the only technologist, or one of the very few, who understands the true implications of saving lives as a commercial transaction. As usual, savers of lives do not seem to be aware of the population crisis as it actually threatens our species and other species. Let us agree to become aware of Prof. Albert Bartlett's two lists. The first list is a list of those activities or circumstances that worsen the population problem; the second list is a list of things that improve the population problem however regrettable the items are from any other perspective. Next, we understand what can go wrong when economic growth is expected to have a continued beneficial effect even beyond the point where the harmful effects outweigh the good. In short, we have reached the de-growth regime. Both population shrinkage and economic shrinkage are necessary. We should contemplate the game of Monopoly. Private profit has become a very great danger to all living things. #de-growth; #population; #chrematistics; #ecological footprint; #private profit, harm done by; #resource dominance hierarchies, harm done by