Monday, June 29, 2020
From the viewpoint of monetary price
THINK of it another way. We know that every economic transaction has an energy component. Let's pretend that we know the correct multiplier to convert dollars to emergy units. Now let us consider the economic events that affect the price. If investors receive dividends, does that affect the price. Certainly! Does the salary paid the worker affect the price? Yes. How about the price of a tooth extraction by the worker's dentist? If it rises, eventually the worker will ask for a raise. Ultimately, it will affect the price of the solar power installation, if that's what we are talking about. Suppose the community is isolated except for net energy crossing the border. The community consumes everything else that it produces. Therefore, the entire livelihood of every member of the community must be charged to the sole producer - except for freeloaders who could be kicked out to restore the special circumstances of this thought experiment, which I thought was easy to understand. However, if understanding something compromises a man's ability to earn a living, he may have difficulty understanding it.
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