I would like to thank Azniv Petrosyan for suggesting the use of remote imaging to assess land use, in particular to assess bio-diversity in wilderness areas. Other than that I do not see how her paper “A Model for Incorporated Measurement of Sustainable Development Comprising Remote Sensing Data and Using the Concept of Biodiversity” can be at all helpful. In particular, although it mentions population, it does not seem to recognize that the population must be shrinking or steady at its optimum in any sustainable community. Most important of all, the paper does not recognize the limits to growth nor does it insist upon a closed energy balance that does not consume fossil fuels. It is unlikely that research in sustainability that does not somehow depend upon Howard Odum’s beginnings can be relevant. But, then, I do not expect any help in our present dire crisis from the employees of universities, corporations, governments, or private labs – except insofar as they violate the bounds of their employment, which sometimes happens. It’s unfortunate that most of us must find a way to make a living. Not many scientists will thank me if I tell them that they should earn it in some other way than from science and that they should do science unfettered by the restraints of their employment. At the risk of being labelled an elitist, I must point out that many giants in the age of giants were independently wealthy or employed outside science.
Now here is the new thinking that Azniv’s paper inspired: Let us divide all land use into (1) wilderness, (2) park-like areas, (3) garden-like areas, (4) residential, (5) agricultural, and (6) industrial areas.
1. Wilderness Area: This must be growing and bio-diversity should not be diminished.
2. Park-like areas: These may grow at the expense of all other areas except garden-like areas and wilderness. They constitute the most important scenic outlooks and recreational areas such as beaches where there can be vigorous (but not destructive) human behavior (hiking, swimming, camping, fishing, perhaps even hunting – but not the use of off-road vehicles). Ideally, wild and domestic animals might have free access to parks depending upon mutual tolerance.
3. Garden-like areas that are cultivated but where vigorous human activity and, of course, industrial activity including agricultural is excluded. I have extolled the notion of Earth as a Garden in my earlier writing and I still like the concept. Humans may enter such areas but only gardeners may interact with it. The growth or maintenance of such areas should be similar to park-like areas. A certain amount of food should come from gardens; but, it must not be “farmed” with heavy equipment.
4. Residential areas should be shrinking or less populous but not growing. They may have an index associated with them that accounts for gardens and parks within them.
5. Agricultural area adjusted for partial or intermittent use should be steady or shrinking and should employ sustainable methods. I do not know much about permaculture; I must assume that it is truly sustainable. Further, I assume that no fossil fuel is employed.
6. Industrial areas – even after adjustments for the areas required to harvest sunlight and prevent pollution must not be growing.
Although I have not discussed mixed use areas, I have said enough for now – considering that these ideas originated only an hour or two ago. Let me sleep on this. In the meantime, I hope to hear from others.
I should have been back here editing this entry the daay after it was posted, that is, just as soon as I realized that I did not list urban areas separately. Clearly, we shall have cities for yet a little while longer, although they should shrink until the last vestiges of commerce and finance have vanished. Cities should be centers of art and entertainment.
7. Urban areas should be shrinking rapidly for quite awhile. Let us say that they are changing to mixed use, as it is difficult to compactify urban sprawl.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
A Discussion of Planned Economies that Began on the Google Group America 2.0
1. What I mean by a
planned economy
I'm afraid I should not have referred to my version of a natural economy as a "planned economy". Perhaps, the term "decentralized privately planned economy" almost tells the story, except what I mean by "privately" is a little odd. I believe I have constructed a sort of syndicalism. Regrettably, though, I have not looked at the definition of every type of non-market economy. The only role for government in this sort of natural economy is to administer the rule that each consumer use no more than 1/Nth of the total sustainable dividend of the economy (measured in emergy units) where N is the number of consumers and reproduce himself only, pass on his reproductive rights to another, or not reproduce.
Ethan Nagler at America 2.0 wrote:
Ethan Nagler at America 2.0 wrote:
Just read up a little on the "calculation problem" defined by the Austrian
economists. As far as I understand it, their argument is not dependent on
their flawed conceptions of human nature.
It's impossible for a small number of people, no matter how intelligent, to
calculate, without price, the wants/needs/desires of millions of people
across vast distances. That's why planned economies always end up in
famine. Until you can prove that you have an algorithm for calculating
everyone's needs 100% of the time, then any other arguments for a planned
economy are futile, in my opinion.
My answer:
I believe the Austrian economists are right; but, their result
does not apply to my version of the natural economy:
A Natural Political Economy
In Chapter 5 of On the
Preservation of Species, Wayburn describes a society that has abandoned
materialism, that is, a society in which Dematerialism has already taken place.
This might be tested in an intentional community despite the obstacles
presented by the materialistic society in which it is embedded or throughout
which it is distributed. The community would have the following features:
1. A
give-away economy with no monetary system[1]. Each economic
actor[2] notifies directly the enterprises that supply his genuine
needs, which, in turn, tell him when the item or items can be picked up or will
be delivered depending upon which mode has the lower emergy costs. Clearly, delivery syndicates
will need to minimize emergy by solving optimization problems – possibly of
combinatorial complexity – by computer, if computers are available in the wake
of Peak Oil. Otherwise, emergy consumption is not likely to be minimized,
although it may be acceptably low. Being too poor to afford a computer
for each economic actor is another case of the poor communities getting poorer;
but, even in the worst case, it will not be accompanied by the rich getting richer
to exacerbate the situation. These enterprises also report the emergy
values of the item or items to each economic actor and to a public servant if
the community deems this necessary until people have learned the lesson of
minimizing their consumption. Thus, the economy is consumer-planned
subject only to the consumer's responsibility (a) to use no more than 1/Nth of
the total sustainable dividend of the economy (measured in emergy
units) where N is the number of consumers and (b) to reproduce
himself only, to pass on his reproductive rights to another, or not to
reproduce. Life can be made discouragingly difficult for cheaters.
Note 10.25.2018: An economy that can afford to have consumers take what they need might be instituted when the notion of restrained consumption and sustainability is well understood and universally accepted, that is, ingrained. There is no need to go into details of the distribution process other that to say that consumers should deal directly with producers. It is not such a great compromise to provide all economic actors with a sort of debit card linked to land, fresh water, emergy, and human effort upon which they can draw up to 1/Nth of the sustainable supply.
Note 10.25.2018: An economy that can afford to have consumers take what they need might be instituted when the notion of restrained consumption and sustainability is well understood and universally accepted, that is, ingrained. There is no need to go into details of the distribution process other that to say that consumers should deal directly with producers. It is not such a great compromise to provide all economic actors with a sort of debit card linked to land, fresh water, emergy, and human effort upon which they can draw up to 1/Nth of the sustainable supply.
2. Local economic enterprises owned by
workers in the sense of custodianship. Decisions are made by direct vote
– one worker, one vote. It is important that worker ownership not extend
beyond the premises of the plant where the work is done. Decentralization
not incorporation. Each enterprise integrates the plans of its consumers
into a total economic plan for the enterprise and notifies its suppliers
accordingly. This must be achieved with negligible energy costs, probably
with a computer. The economic actor might organize his or her personal
emergy budget well in advance, also with a computer.
3. Public
servants chosen quasi-randomly, somewhat as jurors are chosen, for limited
terms that cannot be followed by another such appointment. Recall is by
direct vote of all members of the community whom I call citizens for lack of a
better term. The term fractal government denotes a system of small
communities wherein every citizen belongs to a local parliament that is tied in
a loose federation with other such communities in similar parliaments that are
tied in loose federations to other parliaments of parliaments. This is
similar to fractal structures, except that a loose federation of the world can
have only a finite number of sub-levels, as does every representation of a
fractal in the real world. Among a very small number of public servants
are the members of local communities who sit in the parliaments that determine
public policy for the community’s eco-region, which randomly selects members of
itself who make policy for a collection of eco-regions. And so on.
Every one of these “members of parliament” is subject to immediate recall by
the direct vote of the body that chose him or her. Thus, the only
permanent members of the government are the people themselves who share
political power at the community level in the sense of
one-person-one-vote. Naturally, some people will have more influence than
others if they are widely respected; but, they cannot convert this influence to
greater wealth. Ultimately, this arrangement should evolve into no government at all.
![]() |
Figure 1. Fractal |
![]() |
Figure 2. Fractal Political Structure |
4. The Fundamental Principle of
Neighborliness in dealing with neighboring communities, so that the dependence
of economic well-being on geography is minimized. (Wealth flows always
from richer communities to poorer communities or not at all.)
5. Defense by citizen militias if necessary.
The decision to bear arms is up to the citizens.
6. It is recognized that the federal
government is likely to suppress any effort to form an intentional community
(or reform an existing community) along egalitarian lines, i. e., with a
Natural Economy, unless collapse has already commenced, in which case the
federal government will no longer be able to function because the most powerful
people in government will have given up in despair and will be trying to save themselves
- at least Dmitry Orlov has made a good case for this in “Closing the
Collapse Gap”,
which compares the collapse of the Soviet Empire with the very likely collapse
of the United States American Empire.
Wayburn writes, “I regret very much
employing the expression ‘natural economy’ because, if you google ‘natural
economy’, you get 136,000 hits, and most of them do not agree with my
definition. My paper ‘Energy in a Natural Economy’ doesn't show up until
the second page. Fortunately, the first google hit is from the article in
the Wikipedia where we read, ‘Natural economy refers to a type of economy in
which money is not used in the transfer of resources among people’ and ‘German
economists have invented the term Naturalwirtschaft, natural economy, to describe the period prior to the invention
of money.’ The definition by Karl Marx is included too, which argues
against a modern capitalist interpretation – as does the article under
There is a slightly better description in
Energy in a Natural Economy, which is listed in the hyperlinked table of
contents at http://dematerialism.net/demise.htm#NaturalEconomy.
It just begins to describe the Earth as a Garden as I envision it in a
post-industrial, decentralized, eco-community with a steady-state economy in the wake of Peak Oil. Such an economy should not be based on buying and selling;
and, although people might still compete for importance or the recognition of
their own importance by the rest of the community, they would not compete for
status. I take “status” to refer to resource dominance or the acquisition
of power over other people the purpose of which is to increase personal
wealth. One could convert fame to personal wealth too, but that needn’t
be the case. I take “importance” and “recognition” to refer to the sort
of fame and influence over people that most of us would like – perhaps even
seek, but we do not want them for the money. I picture a community where
one can compete in a hierarchy of personal importance but not in one of
personal wealth or power. This accounts for so-called human nature, which
may or may not be universal and immutable.
In a Natural Economy good citizens are trying to minimize their
personal consumption. They might even take personal pride in doing
so. Ultimately, they might welcome the animal kingdom back into the
Garden, which will have become much more hospitable to nearly every
species. Some readers might find The Parable of the Shipwrecked Brothers illuminating.
The Earth as a Garden should have a number
of easily-identified necessary characteristics:
As in Erewhon, Samuel Butler’s version of Utopia, the manufacture of energy intensive inventions of the
Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries should not be permitted. This does
not apply to energy-saving inventions that replace inventions of earlier
centuries and are immune to Jevons Paradox. This follows from Item A of Addendum 2 of “On Capitalism”. “Every
technological ‘improvement’ results in the exchange of one set of nuisances for
Banking, finance, fiduciary instruments of every sort including stocks, bonds,
options, and money, in short monetary systems themselves, must be rigorously
excluded. Otherwise, the economy will grow and will not be sustainable as
shown in Items B and D.
The necessity of reasonable equality in wealth in a steady-state economy follows from Item C.
Note 1. In case a monetary system is required
– perhaps just to determine what an equal share is – I have written a
regrettably long document despite my best attempt at brevity: See http://dematerialism.net/cc3.htm
Note 2.
An economic actor is a member of a community who makes decisions regarding
consumption for herself and any dependents.
2. Answers to the
question: Can you name a planned economy that was not a dismal failure?
a. Can you name one successful economy of any
b. Even discounting the complaints about the
limited amount of consumer goods and the handling of the criminal class, that
is, private profiteers, probably, planned economies have not done well; however,
i. there have not been very many,
ii. most of them tried to solve the economic
calculation problem mentioned by Ethan Nagler,
iii. almost none of them attempted to achieve
equality in a straightforward way,
iv. none of them were pure democracies in the sense
of Aristotle,
v. none of them had a rational monetary system,
that is, a method for determining economic equality,
vi. none of them embraced degrowth,
vii. not every form of planned economy has been
3. The advisability –
if not necessity - of devising an
economy without markets. By referring to
Bureau of Labor Statistics data from a time when the United States produced
everything it needed domestically, I determined an upper bound on the fraction
of energy that cannot be saved by eliminating markets. See “Energy
in a Natural Economy”. This thesis
is strongly supported by “On the Conservation-within-Capitalism
Scenario” and “Energy
in a Mark II Economy”.
4. What I expect
from serious people who wish to make the best of a very bad situation: Don’t waste your time arguing that a planned
economy won’t work; get busy devising economies that will work.
5. Schumacher’s
famous list (and diagram)
Many people believe that communism is pure
totalitarianism and capitalism is pure freedom and that we must choose one or
the other. The notion is sweeping the world that, since planned economies
have failed, market economies represent the only hope and, indeed, the only
possibility. These are very dangerous beliefs as far as the preservation
of Earth’s remaining species is concerned. It rules out every idea that
has a chance to work and makes the extinction of life on earth very
likely. No one will escape to outer space for a number of reasons chiefly
related to those who won’t have that option.
If, following E. F. Schumacher [1], the famous
economist, we make strict binary choices between (i) freedom and
totalitarianism, (ii) market economy and planned economy, (iii) private
ownership and collective or state ownership, we get, not two only, but 2 to the
3rd power or 8 pure political-economic systems. I reject
totalitarianism on humanistic, utilitarian, and aesthetic grounds and I have
already shown why I reject market economies. This leaves two pure
systems: freedom-planning-private and freedom-planning-state.
Table 12-1. Schumacher’s Chart
I believe we are in a position, now, to reject
state ownership because it leads to the concentration of power into the hands
of a large, inefficient, corrupt, and tyrannical bureaucracy that appropriates
an unfair portion of the wealth to itself, which, in turn, demoralizes everyone
else. The last thing a bureaucracy has in mind is to “wither away”.
I believe that the means of producing goods and providing services, including
services we normally think of as government services, should be owned by the people
as private individuals – but in the sense of custodianship. Workers would
own the enterprises for which they work. One worker – one share; one
share – one vote. This sort of combination of private and collective
ownership differs from ordinary ownership in that it cannot be transferred by
sale; moreover, it must be forfeited by individuals who voluntarily abandon the
enterprise. Due to these and other complications we shall refer to
capital as generalized private property. [Note in proof:
As of October 3, 1993, it appears that Russia is headed toward
totalitarianism, a market economy, and private ownership.]
Now, in 2014, I might want to alter the above slightly; but,
I think I’ll let it stand.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Special Characteristics [of a monetary system] Needed to Avoid Economic Collapse
This has appeared as part of two previous posts; but, it probably deserves a post of its own.
Our crisis has a physical component and an imaginary component. The physical
component comes from limitations in the quantities of land, water,
consumable energy, and the environment itself. The ecological footprint of
the human race exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth. The imaginary
component is instability in the monetary system caused by excessive debt and
excessive monetary inequality. To ameliorate the physical crisis we must
eliminate the imaginary one. I do not mean that indebtedness, poverty, and
wealth are imaginary; but, rather, that we can eliminate all three with the
application of our imaginations without affecting the physical universe.
Stabilizing our population and reducing our ecological footprint will
ultimately have a desirable effect upon the universe.
Regardless of what the people want, the owners of the country want to retain
their positions of power, privilege, and wealth. Naturally, they despise the
idea of government control of the economy and the means of production;
however, when a crisis arises that they cannot handle, they readily accede
to crisis socialism to save them. During World War II, without adopting
socialism completely, they allowed rationing, wage and price control, and
management of vital industries by government employees even if they were
paid only one dollar per year.
To respond appropriately to resource and environmental limits, we need to
establish crisis socialism. However, to eliminate debt, we need to repudiate
the US dollar; and, to eliminate inequality, we need to pay everyone the
same even if no work can be found for them to replace the inessential work
from which they were furloughed to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels
and our ecological footprint. After all, the requirement that every citizen
does useful work to get paid and the requirement that the pay should be
commensurate with the value of the work are completely imaginary. The idea
that everyone should be allowed to get as much money as he can is completely
wrong. (One of the reasons Dematerialism is right and everything else is
wrong is that any society in which it is possible for one person to acquire
more wealth than another is doomed.)
Our crisis has a physical component and an imaginary component. The physical
component comes from limitations in the quantities of land, water,
consumable energy, and the environment itself. The ecological footprint of
the human race exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth. The imaginary
component is instability in the monetary system caused by excessive debt and
excessive monetary inequality. To ameliorate the physical crisis we must
eliminate the imaginary one. I do not mean that indebtedness, poverty, and
wealth are imaginary; but, rather, that we can eliminate all three with the
application of our imaginations without affecting the physical universe.
Stabilizing our population and reducing our ecological footprint will
ultimately have a desirable effect upon the universe.
Regardless of what the people want, the owners of the country want to retain
their positions of power, privilege, and wealth. Naturally, they despise the
idea of government control of the economy and the means of production;
however, when a crisis arises that they cannot handle, they readily accede
to crisis socialism to save them. During World War II, without adopting
socialism completely, they allowed rationing, wage and price control, and
management of vital industries by government employees even if they were
paid only one dollar per year.
To respond appropriately to resource and environmental limits, we need to
establish crisis socialism. However, to eliminate debt, we need to repudiate
the US dollar; and, to eliminate inequality, we need to pay everyone the
same even if no work can be found for them to replace the inessential work
from which they were furloughed to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels
and our ecological footprint. After all, the requirement that every citizen
does useful work to get paid and the requirement that the pay should be
commensurate with the value of the work are completely imaginary. The idea
that everyone should be allowed to get as much money as he can is completely
wrong. (One of the reasons Dematerialism is right and everything else is
wrong is that any society in which it is possible for one person to acquire
more wealth than another is doomed.)
Wealth sharing is necessary and philosophically correct.
The first characteristic of the natural political economy as envisioned by this author was stated as follows in http://dematerialism.wikispaces.com/: (Note that Proviso (b) (below) ensures that wealth sharing does not lead to population growth.)
1. A give-away economy with no monetary system. Each economic actor¹ notifies directly the enterprises that supply his genuine needs, which, in turn, tell him when the item or items can be picked up or will be delivered depending upon which mode has the lower emergy costs. Clearly, delivery syndicates will need to minimize emergy by solving optimization problems – possibly of combinatorial complexity – by computer, if computers are available in the wake of Peak Oil. Otherwise, emergy consumption is not likely to be minimized, although it may be acceptably low. Being too poor to afford a computer for each economic actor is another case of the poor communities getting poorer; but, even in the worst case, it will not be accompanied by the rich getting richer to exacerbate the situation. These enterprises also report the emergy values of the item or items to each economic actor and to a public servant if the community deems this necessary until people have learned the lesson of minimizing their consumption. Thus, the economy is consumer-planned subject only to the consumer's responsibility (a) to use no more than 1/Nth of the total sustainable dividend of the economy (measured in emergy units) where N is the number of consumers and (b) to reproduce himself only, to pass on his reproductive rights to another, or not to reproduce. Life can be made discouragingly difficult for cheaters.
Nearly every progressive visionary includes some proivision in his plan for those in society who are unable to care for themselves. Normally, though, this type of charity assumes that those who cannot do better for themselves deserve no more than the minimum stipend, which is assumed to permit bare survival. Two comments on this follow:
1. In the post-Peak Oil world, the minimum for survival is likely to to be the maximum possible equal share or very close to it. (If there should not be enough survival shares to go around, we expect that those who are not capable will be the first to perish.)
2. Although the world has evolved into a place where certain types of creatures are better adapted to survive and/or thrive, this is an artifact of evolution and not inherently fair or moral. If the class of people who are most capable of doing so impose their will upon the others, this is not a moral choice and may not be defended philosophically. To assume otherwise, requires the world to have evolved under the direction of a divine (moral) intelligence, which is nonsense.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Letter to Pedro A. Prieto for the Energy Resources Yahoo Group (including Denis Frith and Kermit Schlansker)
Hello Pedro, (attention Denis and Kermit)
You wrote: “One of the most striking discoveries of this
study was to realize that about 2/3 of the energy inputs were due to factors
other than those usually considered in the conventional EROI or EPBT analyses
that we gave for good at about 8-9:1”.
I want to be absolutely certain that “two-thirds of the
energy inputs [measured in BTUs rather than counted like items in a list] were
due to factors other than those usually considered in the conventional EROI or
EPBT analyses” [that amount to about one-eighth or one-ninth of the total
energy produced by the solar installation under investigation].
Perhaps, I had better mention to you the criticism of EROI
(ERoEI) by Denis Frith in this forum. I am interested in what your
response might have been. I know I have been critical of you and Charlie
in the past; but, I have been defending all of us in an on-going debate with
Denis who completely denies the usefulness of net energy measurements.
Here is my draft of a post I will try to finish speedily because of the
late hour:
Denis again makes himself useful with the following
comment: (By the way, Kermit, notice that our on-going “debate” does have
useful consequences.)
As usual, Tom has an unfounded
belief in recycling of materials. He does not take into account the fact that
when the time comes to replace the system the supply of materials will be
greatly depleted. He claims that it would not be a problem for a thousand
years! He, of course, ignores the impact of friction because it spoils his
delusion. He again says I am wrong yet he quotes ERoEI* >1 after saying if
First Solar can capture the solar energy without hurting wild life. That is
a provision not included in ERoEI*. [italics mine] He leaves out
consideration of other practical factors such as the fertile soil that is not
longer able to be used for food production.
So now we have had another rant of Tom with his fallacious comments. I still look forward to sound comments from some one.
So now we have had another rant of Tom with his fallacious comments. I still look forward to sound comments from some one.
[Note added to this blog: Notice that Denis begs the question routinely. I don't think he knows this is a logical fallacy.]
----- Original Message -----
From: twayburn@att.net
Sent: 02/25/14 03:55 AM
To: energyresources@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [energyresources] Solar Fall-out
I, too, think that First Solar should find a way to capture solar energy without hurting wildlife; but, if they had already managed to do this; and, if they had a process with ERoEI* <http://eroei.blogspot.com/> greater than 1.0, then Denis's comment would be wrong and extremely harmful. If ERoEI* were greater than 1.0, First Solar would have found a way to rebuild their installation repeatedly with only a very small stockpile of materials that could be replenished with part of the net energy returned. They could take care of Denis's other objections as well. Of course, they would begin operations with a large deficit because much of the energy cost of building the installation must be paid before a single BTU is returned; therefore, the problems would be at the beginning - not during maintenance or when it comes time to replace the aging installation. The materials of construction do not disappear with age except in such small amounts as to be unimportant for the first thousand years. They must find someone who will lend them energy to get started with. This initial loan could be paid back with interest.
Tom Wayburn, BS chemical engineering, MS mathematics, PhD chemical engineering
I need to state specifically how ERoEI* takes care of
wildlife. From http://eroei.blogspot.com/
An energy
technology is sustainable if and only if ERoEI* (E-R-O-E-I star) is no less
than 1.0. An entire society is sustainable if and only if the compound
ERoEI* of its entire mix of energy technologies is no less than
1.0. Early on, recognizing that a community can persist for quite a
long time if most of the characteristics of ERoEI* are satisfied, we considered
quasi-sustainability; that is, during a transition period between fossil fuels
and renewable energy, we must tolerate some slight environmental destruction
and diminution of our storehouses of essential natural resources because of the
large proportion of the energy investment for most renewable energy
technologies that must be paid before any energy is returned.
I think it might be useful to define "feasibility" as something different from sustainability. For example, we might say that a renewable energy is feasible if no more characteristics of ERoEI* are relaxed than are consistent with the community standards and laws of the land currently.
Early on, I defined sustainability in terms of the phase
space for the Earth: “When all is sustainable,
the phase-space trajectory of the environment will be required to be periodic
and close to the expected natural trajectory, that is, the trajectory we might
expect without human influence. Moreover, the steady state of our population
and our economy must be matched by the steady state of our storehouses of
natural resources” [by which I mean the “natural resources that the process
uses”.] The requirement of periodicity is perhaps
However, the second of the three notes that precedes the
thought experiment by which the principal energy inputs are defined [http://eroei.net/eroeistar.htm]
· The price of energy should reflect the cost of preventing or
repairing any changes to the environment that diminish the quality of life of
mankind and other species or that compromise the sustainability of the relevant
ecosystems including the magnitude of the storehouses of natural
resources. The quality of life depends upon aesthetics as well as pure
material circumstances.
The methodology I favor accounts for most externalities by
adding the computed energy cost of preventing undesirable and ensuring
desirable outcomes. For example, the incremental energy cost of building
a solar installation so that animals in its environment are not harmed is added
to the EI (energy-invested) term. Since ERoEI pertains to the delivery of
energy when and where it is wanted, the ratio for a location remote from the
energy production facility under investigation has its EI incremented by the
cost of the infrastructure necessary to so deliver it; and, if the delivery of
the energy is delayed, the cost of delivering the most suitable substitute
energy product is added to the EI term (while taking appropriate credit for it
in the ER term).
Best regards to you and Charlie – I am counting on you.
P.S. I have not discussed at least two of Denis's objections. (If you can get past his insults and his habit of begging the question - in this case by referring to my comments as "fallaceous", which would be the conclusion of a valid argument to determine which of us is correct rather than the beginning of a new argument, Denis's objections are useful.)
1. Preserving and using soil nutrients: Suppose the installation is to be installed on a concrete pad. The preparations for the foundation of the pad should include shoveling the soil to appropriate garden spots in and among the portions of the plant site borrowed by the technology. This is consistent with multiple uses of the site for solar power, a garden, and a wildlife refuge.
2. Friction does not generally remove much material but whatever is removed can be filtered from used lubricants before the lubricants themselves are recycled. This is a stationary solar collector; therefore, the recycling is particularly easy, as the cooperation of consumers is unnecessary except with respect to that part of the delivery mechanism that enters the user's space. One way in which technological progress could manifest itself in a steady-state or shrinking economy is by permitting each successive generation of solar collection equipment to harvest the same net energy with less massive equipment thus reducing the amount that needs to be recovered somewhat, say from 99% to only 95%, provided the losses are not otherwise harmful. Remember, unlike energy efficiency which is bounded away from 100% by the hard Carnot limit, material recovery can be as close to 100% as we are willing to expend the energy for.
As in all the previous cases, even if the process does not realize sustainability, ERoEI* should be computed as though it did; that is, by adding the computed cost of doing these things to the energy-invested term.
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